Hourly rate - $50.00 per investigator
*mileage - $56.5 cents per mile. (Negotiable for governmental agencies)

*lodging - Actual cost

*meals & incidentals - Actual cost

Photographs - Actual cost

Video - Actual cost to produce.

Polygraph Examinations - $450.00

Vehicle License Information - $25.00 (per license checked)

Background Investigations

local background - $300.00 Flat Fee
includes residence location, place of employment, vehicles.
Incidental expenses will be additional to the flat fee.

PROCESS SERVICE FEES: $55.00 - Service in Washington County
$65.00 - Service in Benton County
$80.00 - Out of State Process Service
$90.00 - Emergency Service (Has to be done same day received, or specific service time required.)

These fees are for each individual service. If there is a third service at the same location, the third service is only an additional $15.00 when done at same time. Subpoenas can only be served on the individual, each person would be a separate service.

$500.00 Retainer is standard; hourly rate, mileage, and incidental expenses are charged against the retainer.If only part of the retainer is used, the unused portion is refunded.

Last updated 4-29-2013